New Customer Testimonials

We received some lovely feedback from our recent customers. Thank you Rachel and Cathal, and Julie and Philip, for taking the time to email us with your comments.

To see more comments from our customers visit our Testimonials section on our website.

“We recently received our wedding invitations from Lots of Love Invitations. We were absolutely thrilled with them. Tanya provides a fast, efficient and friendly service. Our invitations look amazing and people are already commenting on how beautiful and different they are. We highly recommend Lots of Love Invitations!”

Rachel & Cathal: Wedding Stationery, 9th Oct 2010

“I just wanted to let you know how happy we are with our wedding invitations they turned out absolutely perfect and exceeded our expectations completely. From the minute we contacted you about invitations you have been so nice, helpful and patient and nothing was ever too much trouble and when you are planning a wedding its great to get that kind of service from a wedding supplier.

Every part of the invitation package was made with such perfection and your timing was right on schedule we never had to wait for too long for anything. You made the experience of designing our invitations fun and easy. We especially loved how the invitations, accommodation list and the RSVPs matched and came across with the elegance we wanted to compliment the theme of our wedding.
Our invitation went out today and the feed back we received was amazing they actually reduced one of our friends to tears. With the invitations being the 1st insight of our wedding to our guests it was just perfect to have the invitations set the scene.

Philip and I would like to thank you whole heartedly for all your help and wish you all the best for your future stationery projects. Lots of Love invitations are a must for any couple planning a wedding. I couldn’t recommend your company highly enough to any future bride and Grooms.”

Julie & Philip: Wedding Stationery, 9th October 2010

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